Monday, April 1, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Abby was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did art. We talked about dinosaurs. We used white paint to make the buildings. (Aster)

We did an assembly. Some people came who sang and danced. (Maya and Abby)

We did Fundations. For Fundations we did magnet boards. (Abby)

We did word games. We did the roller coaster game and chopping. (James and Caroline)

Today is April Fool’s Day. You can do pranks. (Evalynn and Azayla)

We did writing. It was Monday News. We got to write about what we did over the weekend or Spring Break. (Adalynn and Hayden)

We did Daily 5. (Parker)

We did recess. (Will C.)

We watched a video about weather. This week we are talking about weather. It talked about rain and sun and snow. (Aster)

April calendar is coming home today!

We had a great first day back! Only 39 days of Kindergarten left! Can you believe it?!

Have a great night!