Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to music. We did a brain break! (Caroline)

Grayson was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did the schedule and calendar. (Azayla)

We did poem. We are looking for digraphs. (Will M.)

For project we are sorting what is living and what is non-living. (James)

For writing we got chick journals. (Evalynn)

We did Fundations. We talked about vowel sounds. We did short and long vowel sounds. The long vowel sound is when the vowel says its name. When 2 vowels are in the middle we say “when 2 vowels go a walking the first one does the talking”. We did tapping. (Parker, Adalynn, Caroline, and Grayson)

We did math. We measured time by walking and tiptoeing and doing our own way. (Rylan)

We did the weather. It was 61 degrees in the morning. (Abby)

Our read aloud book was called What’s Alive. (Maya)

Have a great night!