Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Caroline was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We went to art and we painted our rocks. (Evalynn)

We did the calendar. There are 10 more days until Easter! (Abby)

We did math. We did a 5 in a row game. We rolled 2 dice. We had a bag of counters to cover our board. We had to get 5 in a row. (Caroline)

Mrs. Baker came. She talked about being bossy. (Aster)

We did the weather. (Azayla)

We did writing. We finished our how to books. (Parker)

We did Daily 5. (Aster)

We did project. We are making wind socks. We are going to take it outside. (Caroline)

Due to MAP Testing, classes will not be coming to the library or checking out books beginning on Monday, April 15th and lasting through Friday, May 3rd.  If students need to renew books or return them to get new ones, they must come by during Open Check-out each morning, which is from 8:00-8:20. 
Due to the last day of school on Tuesday, May 28th, the last day a student will be able to check out a book will be Friday, May 10th.  After that time, they will only be able to return books as we will be working on getting all library materials returned by Friday, May 24th.  While we are MAP Testing the doors to the Media Center will be closed.  If you need to return books, just set them outside the doors and we will get them and check them in when we have time.  If a student would like to renew a book, please put a post-it on the book with their name and lunch number and we will take care of it as well.  Please let us know if you have questions.

Have a great night!