Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

At math today, we did Dot Addition. We wrote an addition number sentence on the recording sheet. (Caroline)

Hayden was the teacher assistant. (James)

Our baby chicks hatched today! Eleven chicks hatched. (Aiden and Hayden)

We went to art. In art we painted flowers. Some kids got to paint rocks. (Parker and Evalynn)

We did writing. We colored our egg calendar and wrote in our chick hatching journals. We wrote about what we noticed about the chicks today. (Aster)

For read aloud we read Where Do Chick’s Come From? (Abby)
We did poem. (Adalynn)

We did project. We did a chick life cycle. (Maya)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We got to look at the eggs and chicks! (Azayla)

I will be out of town Thursday-Monday. If you have a change in transportation or need anything please call the office on those days.  

You are welcome to pop in during drop off or dismissal to see the chicks! They will be headed back to the farm on Friday morning. Make sure to check out all the pictures and videos on Class Dojo! It was a very egg-citing day! 😉