Thursday, April 4, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had music. (Aiden)

We did Daily 5. We did one choice. (Kennedy and Adalynn)

We had play time. (Azayla)

We did word games. (James)

We did Fundations. (Parker)

We did math. We did surveys. (Caroline)

For inside recess we watched Pete the Cat. (Evalynn)

There was a board that looked like a city. Someone put stuff on it like dirt and then made it rain with her squirt bottle. All the dirt went to the lake. (Rylan) Check out the pictures and video on Class Dojo!

For project we talked about the 3 types of clouds. Cirrus clouds are like horse tails. Stratus clouds are down low. The big puffy ones are cumulus. (Abby, Caroline, and James)

Have a great night!