Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math. We had a piece of paper. We had 10 cubes. We had to toss the cubes and see how many landed on the paper and how many off. (Caroline)

Mrs. Richardson came. (Azayla)

We did tapping with Mrs. Richardson. (James)

Alice was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did project. We made ourselves with rainboots, hats, and umbrellas. We colored it and cut it out. If we wanted to we could glue a picture of our face on it. (Aster)

We had P.E. At P.E. we did the Pacer. (Abby)

We did a GoNoodle. (Will C.)

We wrote about what we like to do in the rain. (Evalynn)

We did poem. It is called It Is Spring. (Parker)

The kids did great with the sub! The kids will have the same sub (Mrs. Richardson) at the end of the month (April 26-29) when I am gone for my race. She is an awesome sub!

Attached is information on the Penny Wars and the canned food drive.

Have a great night!