Monday, April 22, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did project. We sorted recycling. (Aster)

We did math. We flicked a spinner and rolled a dice. We had to cover up a number on the board. There was 1 more and 1 less. There was 2 more and 2 less. It was a 12-sided dice! (Caroline)

The chicks are starting to hatch. (Azayla) We have little pip holes! I am guessing many will hatch overnight!

Azayla was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did word games. (James)

We had music. In music we played a counting game. We counted syllables in first and last names. We also did 2 brain breaks. (Rose and Evalynn)

We did poem. (Parker)

We did the weather. It was 67 degrees this morning. (Abby)

We talked about the chick’s life cycle. (Maya)

We did Monday News. I wrote about what I did on Easter. (Will C.)

I sent home a few, fun (and optional) Earth Day activities! Yearbooks are coming home today as well!

Have a great night!