Monday, April 8, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. There were some new books. I got one! (James)

We did math today. We played a game about one more and one less. We had a spinner and a dice. We covered up the number on the board that was one more or one less. (Caroline)

We did poem. It is called It is Spring. (Hayden)

We are making a flower out of tissue paper. (Abby)

Today we did our Monday announcements. No one got their Cougar Ticket pulled. (Aster)

We did read aloud. Our book was about Spring. (Parker)

I was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did one Daily 5 choice. (Adalynn)

Please make sure to return your student’s field trip form ASAP!

I will be out tomorrow morning for an appointment but will be back after lunch!

Have a great night!