Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to Mrs. Flanagin’s room for a meteorologist! He showed us a special map! We predicted the weather for today and we were right! (Rylan, Evalynn, and Grayson)

For math, we used play-doh and something from our supply box. We weighed it to make it the same. (Aster)

We did read aloud. We read 2 books. One was a true or false book about storms. The other one was called Wild Weather. (Caroline and Aiden)

We did poem. (James)

We did word games. (Parker)

We played outside. (Azayla)

We did a word family. (Aster)

For project we are going to do a little book. (Abby) We are recording the weather every day this week!

We did Fundations. We did tapping. (Adalynn)

Have a great night!