Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had music today. In music, we got to do a brain break and we got to dance around to the graduation song. (Aiden)

We did the weather and it was 63. (Abby)

We did Fundations. We used the cards. (Maya)

We did writing. We made a present. (Rylan)

We did word games. (James)

We did a poem. (Caroline)

We did Daily 5. (Azayla)

We did math. (Kennedy) We played How Many Am I Hiding with 6 cubes! We talked about how we could use addition or subtraction strategies to figure out the missing part!

We also started the second book in the Mercy Watson series, Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride! Ask your child what happened in today’s book!

I sent home from projects from the beginning of the year today! Have a great night!!