Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Aiden was the teacher assistant. (Rylan and Aiden)

We read Mercy Watson. We finished the first book. Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson thought Mercy was going to save them. (Evalynn and Maya)

We did computer lab for math. We played Jiji. (Caroline)

We went to P.E. We play a game called Battleship. We had pins. We had balls to knock them over. If all your pins knock down you have to move your ship and connect it to another ship. (James)

Three more days until our toy party! (Abby)

We did writing. We are making something for Mother’s Day. (Aster)

We watched a video about Chris Van Dusen. He drew the pictures in Mercy Watson. (Parker)

We did the weather. It was 61 degrees like yesterday. (Abby)

We did word frames in Fundations. We talked about trick words. We did the trick word flashcards. (Maya)

We did word games. (Azayla)

We did our poem. Our poem was called My Mom. (Caroline)

We did Daily 5. (Adalynn)

We are going to have play time. (Kent)

We have had a few problems with multiple kids bringing in toys to school lately. Please make sure your student leaves all toys at home (unless it is a special event like our toy party on Friday). This includes stuffed animals, toy phones, card games, etc. Thank you!!

Thank you so much for all the special teacher appreciation cards, gifts, and goodies!! I appreciate all of you and I love working with your kids!!