Friday, May 17, 2019

Hi Parents,

Here is what we did today!

We did Field Day! We did tug of war. (Abby)

On Field Day we played leap the creek. (Rose)

In Field Day we are popsicles. (Maya)

We celebrated Azayla’s birthday. She brought donuts. (Parker and Aster)

We watched a movie in library. We didn’t have specials. (Aiden)

At Field Day we also did a car wash game. The first person soaks a sponge and passes it over their head. The last person squeezes it into a bucket. (Evalynn)

We did the weather and it was 81 when we came back from Field Day. (Abby)

We played Mosquito Tag. I got tagged! (James)

Maya was the teacher assistant. (Azayla)

We are going to have play time. (Kent)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We read Mercy Watson. It was called Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig. (Caroline)

We did calendar. (Maya)

We wrote about Field Day. (Alice)

In Field Day we did a relay with a ball. (Aster)

Have a great weekend!!