Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had library. We didn’t check out books. (Evalynn)

We did writing. For writing we did memory books. The pages we did today were a book that you liked and your favorite food that you had. (Abby)

We did inside and outside recess. (James)

We had program practice. We did it a bunch of times. (Aiden)

We did read aloud. We read Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig. We stopped at chapter 10. (Aster)

We did Daily 5. (Azayla)

We did word games. (Parker)

We did Fundations. We did the little cards and vowel chart. We did tapping with -ck and we used our white boards. (Aster)

Tomorrow is field day! We will play Mosquito Tag. (Abby)

I was the teacher assistant today! (Will M.)

Friday’s school lunch choices are hot dog or Uncrustable. This is being provided by PTA for all students! We will be having a picnic lunch as a class. Students may bring a lunch from home if they wish.
Tomorrow is field day! If you would like to apply sunscreen to your child, it needs to be done before school. Students should wear comfy clothes that they can get wet/a little dirty in. You may also want to send a change of clothes and shoes in your child's backpack so they can change in to them after field day. Nurse Molly does not have enough clothes for all students to change, so she cannot give students clean clothes due to them being wet or dirty from field day. Students may also bring hats and sunglasses. :)