Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today at school!

We had music today. We played a Froggie game. We sang the songs we are going to sing at Graduation about going to first grade. We did a GoNoodle. It was Chicka Boom. (Aiden and Rylan)

We read Mercy Watson Princess in Disguise. They went to the Lincoln sister’s house. One of them said not to give the pig candy but Baby Lincoln gave some to Mercy. She dressed up like a princess. (Abby)

Rose was teacher assistant. (Parker)

We did Fundations. We did our magnet boards. In Fundations, we did tapping. (James and Adalynn)

There are 9 days left in school. (Kent)

We did math with a partner. We flipped over 2 cards and you would subtract. Whoever had the bigger answer would take all the cards and put them at the bottom of their deck. (Aster)

We did a memory book for remembering Kindergarten. We wrote about our teacher and the next page was about a friend. And the third page was about more friends. (Abby)

We did calendar. (Henry)

We did Daily 5. (Aster)

We did the weather. (Henry)

We did the schedule. (Parker)

Have a great night!