Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We are going to do our singing program! (Azayla)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We are going to go to library. We are going to play on the computers. (Aiden)

We did the weather. It was 61 degrees. (Evalynn)

We did our program practice. The 5th graders watched. (Aster)

We did poem. It was called Summer. (Parker and Abby)

Today we went to our 4th grade buddies. We drew pictures and ate popcorn and marshmallows. (James)

We are wearing graduation hats to our program. They are blue! (Caroline)

Two more days until water day! (Azayla)

We did Fundations. We did sentence frames. We did tapping. (Kent)

We did writing. We wrote in our school memory book. (Rylan) This is coming home today!

We are taking home our Monday News! (Grayson)

Hope to see you at the program at 2:20 pm! Doors open at 2:10 pm! All students will go back to classrooms after the program. You can meet your child in our room! You are welcome to take them home after the program. They are packed up and ready to go!