Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Will C. was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did P.E. We played Money in the Bank. We played a game where we made a castle out of hula hoops. We had 2 guards. We tried to knock down the other team’s castle. Aster and Grayson were the guards. (James, Aster, and Grayson)

We got our published books. (Azayla)

We did the weather. It was 61 degrees. (Abby)

We did math. We had to make 10 birds on 2 wires. We had to write it on our paper. We did an addition number sentence. (Caroline)

We did days in school. We have 18 days left. (Maya)

We did project. We are doing a mini book about force. (Adalynn)

We did Daily 5. (Parker)

Our book was called Force Makes Things Move. (Hayden)

We wrote letters to our cooks. (Kennedy)

Published books and Color Run shirts are coming home today! Please let me know if there are any mistakes!

Have a great night!