Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had art today. We got all of our stuff. We made statues of dinosaurs and we got to take that home too. (Aiden)

We read Mercy Watson. We finished the fourth book. (Evalynn and Abby)

We did math. For math we measured our backpacks with snap cubes. We measured how tall they are. We got a big piece of paper and we put our backpack on it. We traced it and cut it out. We were trying to see which backpack was the biggest. We talked about width and area. (Rylan and Grayson)

We did writing. We did our memory book. We wrote about what was our favorite day at school. (Aster)

We did the schedule and the calendar. It is almost my birthday! (Azayla)

We did word games. We punched out our ending sounds. (Will M.)

We practiced our songs for graduation. (James)

It was our last day in art. (Parker)

We are going to have play time. (Kent)

We did Fundations. We did the little cards and the vowel chart. (Aster)

Have a great night!