Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We played outside. (Maya)

We had lunch. (Parker)

We had my Me Bag. (Henry)

We had art. We drew things we made with lines. (Will M.)

We passed around the counting cub. We play the Count Around the Circle game. (Abby)

We did Henry’s name page. (Azayla)

We had snack. (Kent)

We did Henry’s name cheer. (Stella)

We read a David book. It was called David Gets in Trouble. (James)

We wrote Henry’s name on the whiteboards. (Aster and Parker)

Mrs. Hotchkiss showed up the wrong way to do Work on Writing. She skipped pages. (Caroline)

We did math stations. (Adalynn)

We did sorting. We did good choices and poor choices. (Evalynn)

We did morning meeting. (Will C.)

Tomorrow I will be leaving at 2 pm for an appointment. The class will end the day with a substitute teacher. This might be a good talking point tonight at home. Remind your student to “go with the flow” and that the sub might do things a little differently than me! There will not be closing meeting notes sent home tomorrow because of this.

Friday is Grandparent’s Day/Special Friend’s Day!! Our room will celebrate from 9-10 am by doing a family tree craft! You are welcome to send in a list of family members/extended family members to help with this craft if you would like!

If your student does not have someone coming during this time please let me know so I can find an adult for them! It is definitely ok for a parent to come if you do not have a grandparent or special friend available!

Have a great night!!