Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did recess. (Maya)

We did snack. (Evalynn)

We had playtime. (Stella)

We did P.E. We tossed balls around. We played a game called Steal Money. You use hula hoops and baskets. (Abby and Hayden)

We did our last Me Bag. It was Will McCurry. (Aster)

We did math stations. (Adalynn)

We did our In My Neighborhood book. (James)

We did math. We played a matching game. It was called Match It! (Parker and Rylan)

We did reading time. Some of us did Work on Writing. Some of us got to try Listening to Reading. (Will C.)

We did Will McCurry’s name page. (Azayla)

We had lunch time. (Stella)

We reread the book (Transportation in my Neighborhood) and we made motions for our vocabulary words. (Henry)

We did our poem. We talked about how to be safe in the car. We were trying to find the word “be”. (Kennedy and Hayden)

Have a great night!!