Friday, September 14, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We did instruments. (Abby)

We played outside. (Maya)

We did Rylan’s Me Bag. (Azayla)

We earned 100 tickets! (Henry) We are going to celebrate with a pajama party on Friday the 21st! More information to come!

We did Rylan’s name poster. (Aster)

We made a Pete the Cat. (Evalynn)

We sorted 5 year olds and 6 year olds. (Aster)

We did our poem. It was My School Shoes. (Aiden)

Thursday, September 20 is 'Get the Scoop' Curriculum Night from 4:30-6 pm. This is a “pop in” event. You do not have to stay the whole time. There will be cups of ice cream available and each grade level will have information about this year's curriculum. We will be doing a scavenger hunt in our classroom!

Have a great weekend!