Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. We played on the computers. (Maya)

We had my birthday and Hayden’s birthday! (Rylan)

We learned the shape of the triangle. (Aster)

We had snack. (James)

We made a triangle into something. (Caroline)

We had lunch. (Abby)

We went outside. (Evalynn)

We had math workstations. (Will C.)

We did Echo the Owl. (Stella)

We did our poem. (Azayla)

We learned about the letter t. (Adalynn)

We did the last part of Daily 5. It was games. (Hayden) This is called Word Work! This has activities involving letters, sounds, and building words!

We read a shape book. (Grayson) The Shape of Things

We read a book about people who help us. (Henry) Helpers in my Community

Our word is “see”. (Aiden)

Have a great night!!