Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We played music with a cow bell. (Will M.)

We did Hayden’s Me Bag. (Aster)

We did Hayden’s name cheer. (James)

We wrote Hayden’s name on the whiteboards. (Parker)

We played outside. (Grayson)

We did lunch. (Rylan)

We did Hayden’s name poster. (Stella)

We had snack. (Abby)

We read No, David! (Will C.)

We did Work on Writing journals. (Caroline) This is the 2nd part of the Daily 5. We did a 3 minute practice.

We talked about good choices and poor choices. (Evalynn)

We did math. We walked around and had to find something to bring back to the carpet to show the number 1. (Aster and Henry)

We did our math workstations. (Parker)

We did the poem “I Can”. (Kennedy) Our word of the week is “can”.

We drew Hayden. When we were done we could draw in our drawing journals. (Maya)

*PICTURE DAY is TOMORROW MORNING!  If you would like to order pictures, please send forms in with your student by tomorrow.  If you ordered online, please print the receipt to turn in.

*COOKIE DOUGH TURN-IN DAY is THURSDAY, 9/6!  Please turn the envelopes in to me or to the main office. 

*PTA is continuing to collect DIRECT DONATIONS!  You may also turn these in through me or the main office.

Have a great night!!