Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to music. We played games. (James)

We played outside. (Abby)

We had Fundations time. We got to use new whiteboards. (Parker)

We watched a police video. It was called Police at Work. (Henry)

Mrs. Baker came and made craft with us. We taught us about feelings. (Aster)

We ate lunch. (Maya)

We did snack. (Rylan)

We punched the sky to the letter sounds. (Caroline) We are working on building our phonemic awareness! Each day we will do activities like isolating beginning and ending sounds in words! We are so working on rhyming words and building and taking apart compound words. We add some hand motions to make it more fun!

We had playtime. (Kennedy)

At math we did quick eyes! (Evalynn)

We put numbers in the number grid. It looked like stairs. (Caroline)

If you haven’t turned in your student’s field trip form or Cougar Fun Fest tickets form please make sure to do that ASAP!

Thank you for your generous support with the raffle basket materials and apple tasting day supplies! We only need utensils if anyone would still like to sign up to help with apple tasting day supplies! Thank you so much!! Apple Tasting Day Sign Up Click Here