Friday, September 21, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did our stoplights. (Caroline)

We had recess. We played outside. (Evalynn and Abby)

We went to art. We made animals that are all mixed up! (James)

We played the game Gotcha! (Aster)

We had pajama day! (Kennedy)

We had snack. (Rylan)

We learned about being safe. (Maya)

We did Fundations. We learned the letter t. We did Echo the Owl. (Henry, Stella, and Adalynn) During our Word Study time we will be following the Fundations curriculum! We will be learning letters, sounds, letter formation, and many more skills as the year progresses!!

We did Daily 5. (Azayla)

We did our safety poem. We put it in our poetry folder. (Will C.)

We read the book Safety Counts. (Caroline)

We did our writing time. We drew us being safe. (Parker)

Thank you to everyone who came to curriculum night last night! I hope your student had fun showing you around the room! Please let me know if you have any questions about the curriculum packet.

In the folder you will find a form to purchase Cougar Fun Fest tickets and the Pumpkin Patch field trip permission form. Please return these back to me as soon as you can.

I put some fun, optional worksheets from this week’s learning in the folder as well. These do not have to be returned to me.  

Our class raffle basket for the Cougar Fun Fest will be a baking themed basket! If you would like to help donate to the basket please use this Google Doc link to sign up for items or add your own ideas to the list! Items are due to me on October 4th! Click Here

No school on Monday! Have a great weekend!!