Monday, September 17, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had snack. (Henry)

We had Stella’s Me Bag. (Aster)

We went to art. We made something with scraps. (James)

We went outside. (Evalynn and Azayla)

We did lunch. (Caroline)

We did Stella’s name page. (Abby)

We are learning how to use the CD players. (Grayson) We learned about the 4th part of the Daily 5: Listening to Reading!

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

We watched a video about being safe. (Kennedy)

We sorted when to call 911. (Rylan)

We did my name cheer. (Stella)

We learned all about safety. (Hayden)

Our word of the week is “be”. (Aster)

Our poem was I Can Be Safe. (Aiden)

Tomorrow morning the Kindergarten teachers have to attend a training. I will be back at lunch time! The sub will be Mrs. Richardson.

Have a great night!!