Friday, October 30, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to school with our costumes! We dressed like our favorite book character. We wore our costumes all day. (Ginger and Mikayla)

We got to read with our 3rd grade buddies. (Andrew)

We went to library. (Owen)

Some moms and Mr. Hotchkiss came to read to us! We made our own snack. We made a pumpkin patch snack! (Evan)

We did Fundations. (Logan)

We drew a picture of ourselves at writing time. (Jayden and James)

We did our calendar. (Kate)

Andrew led us in the class rules. (Malai)

We highlighted our poem. (Layla)

We have been in school for 50 days. We did the Zero the Hero Stomp and the Friday song. (Sophia)

We had a great day full of reading and fun! Make sure you check Twitter for pictures!

Lots of important information in the folder today including a behavior update, a November calendar, and some homework!

NO school Monday or Tuesday! See you Wednesday!

Have a safe weekend and Happy Halloween!