Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We measured things! We looked for things that were equal and things that were shorter than 10 cubes. We made a list of things that were shorter and things that were equal. (Andrew, Sylus, and Malai)

For morning job we drew a line from the community helper to their car. Then we colored. (Mikayla)

We read the poem Community Helpers. We point to the words. (Ginger and Sophia)

My shoe was equal to 10 cubes! (Layla)

We did Daily 5. (Logan)

We talked about cops. (Jayden)

We did our writing journals. We talked about going back and adding more detail like more colors. The more colors, the more beautiful! (Sophia)

We did Fundations. We learned c and o. (James)

We did Echo the Owl and Baby Echo. (Dylan)

We went to music class. (Owen)

We did math workstations. (Malai)

We did the calendar. (JR)

Have a wonderful night!