Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to P.E. We played a bowling game. (Mikayla)

We had Ms. Mielke come. She read a feelings book. (Andrew)

We went outside 2 times. (Jayden)

We cut a pumpkin open today and we got to feel inside of it. It feels slimy and it is smelly! (Layla)

We did our owl page on our fall scrambled sentence book. (Sylus)

We did the Grab and Count game with cubes. (Owen)

We read It’s Pumpkin Time. (James)

We practiced writing m and n on our Fundations white boards. (Dylan)

We did our Daily 5 choices. We got to pick our own. (Ginger)

We did Fundations. We did Echo the Owl. (Kymiah)

We did a brain break. (Kate)

We got to read from our book boxes. We did the calendar. (Malai)

If you can, please send in your pumpkin face family homework by Friday. If you need the weekend to work on it, that is fine too! Thanks!