Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did quiet time. (Logan)

We did math workstations. (Owen and Ginger)

We learned new games for word work. (Andrew)

We colored pictures from Pumpkin, Pumpkin story. We did a retelling. We can try it at home. (Layla) The retelling cards are coming home today!

We did writing time. We did our scrambled sentences. We did the pumpkin page in our book. (Dylan and Sophia)

We did Daily 5. (JR)

We went to library. We got to play games online. (Sylus)

We got to pick out new books. (Evan)

We got to the Fundations magnet boards. (Sophia)

We did the calendar. (Mikayla)

We went outside 2 times. (Jayden)

We did our poem. We highlighted the word “the” and we put it in our poetry folder. (James)

Kate led us in the class rules. (Malai)

We did a brain break. (Kate)

I sent home a reminder about the field trip today in your child’s folder. I added reminder about lunch choice tomorrow as well.

I am looking for a last minute donation of small, plastic, disposable water bottles for the field trip tomorrow! If you would be willing to purchase these please let me know! The kids get very thirsty by the end of the trip! We would need 20 bottles. If you are coming on the field trip you could bring these with you or, if you are not, you could send them in the morning. Thank you!

Tomorrow is our black and gold spirit day! Encourage your student to wear their Mizzou gear in honor of homecoming!

Have a great night!