Friday, October 16, 2015

Hi Parents!

We ran out of time for closing meeting today!

We had a great day! We did our morning meeting and for the 40th day of school we did the Zero the Hero Stomp around the classroom!

We practiced out letters and sounds at Fundations time!

At writing, we wrote how we can be safe!

This afternoon, we celebrated earning 100 Cougar Compliments with our movie and popcorn party! What a fun event!

The class went to art and we ended the day by finishing the movie!

TONIGHT is Cougar Fun Fest! I recommend parking at Woodcrest Church and walking over! The event is very busy but very fun!

If you haven’t done so already, please make sure you fill out my survey for PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES!  Parent teacher conferences will be the week of November 9th. I will be holding mine after school on November 10th - 12th and the morning of the 13th. Please fill out the survey below so I can schedule a day and time with you!

Have a great weekend! I hope to see you tonight!