Friday, October 9, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did a hayride. (Kate)

We picked out pumpkins. (Evan)

We fed animals. We fed sheep. We pet the animals. (Jayden, Mikayla, and Ginger)

We went on a field trip to Peach Tree Farms. (Logan and Sylus)

We went through a straw maze. (Andrew)

We saw a big catfish. We pet rabbits. (Layla)

We earned 100 Cougar Compliments again! (Sophia) Wow! That happened fast! To celebrate, the class voted to have a movie and popcorn party! If you have any G rated movies you would be willing to let us borrow please reply back to this email!

Some parents took pictures. (Connor and Owen)

We ate lunch on the field trip. (JR)

We looked at the ducks and pet the goats. (Lyrik)

We went to music. We did a new musical instrument. We did the bear hunt song. (Kymiah, Malai and Dylan)

We had a water break. (Malai)

Check out pictures from the event on my classroom Twitter!

Thank you to all the parents who helped the day run smoothly!

Enjoy your weekend!

Go Tigers!