Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. We checked out new books. (Aster and Will M.)

We played with math workstations. (Rylan)

We played outside. (Abby)

We did length with papers. (Caroline) For math, each student had to find someone who had a paper with their same length! Then they went around the room trying to find objects that were also the same length. We discussed the words longer and shorter.

We made a hat! (Kent) We compared the books Huggapotamus and The Crayon Box that Talked. We discussed what it means to be a good friend and made a hat to celebrate!

We had snack. (Stella)

We ate lunch. (Maya)

Mrs. Baker came. She talked about being safe. (Kennedy) Mrs. Baker is our school counselor! She will come every other week on Thursday afternoons.

We did Evalynn’s Me Bag. (Azayla)

In the folder you will find a September calendar! I’ve attached it to this email and you can find it on my website.

Have a great night!!