Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did art. We did markers. (James)

We had morning meeting. (Aster)

We had recess inside. (Azayla)

We went on the blacktop at lunch recess. (Will M.)

We did my Me Bag today. (Caroline)

We did math. We played Gotcha! Mrs. Hotchkiss tried to trick us when she was counting but we were too good. (Adalynn and Henry) I purposely made mistakes when counting (like double tapping, skipping an object, saying the numbers out of order, etc.) They did a great job noticing the mistakes!

We ate lunch. (Evalynn)

We drew and colored Caroline. (Maya)

We had snack time. (Abby)

We drew ways to fill a bucket and not fill a bucket. (Hayden) When our invisible buckets are full, we are happy; when they are empty, we are sad. It's important to know that we can fill our own bucket and so can others. We can also dip into it. "Bucket fillers" are those who help without being asked, give hugs and compliments, and generally spread their love and good feelings to others.

We read The Crayon Box That Talked. (Will C.)

Have a great night!!