Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to music today. We did maracas. (Will M.)

We ate lunch. (Caroline and Maya)

We played outside. (Abby)

We did a sort. We sorted bucket fillers and bucket dippers. (James and Evalynn)

We drew Azayla. (Aster)

We did my Me Bag. (Azayla)

We found the word “I” in the Bucket Filler Pledge. (Will C.)

We did pattern block puzzles. (Henry)

Some of your kiddos might be coming home with small prizes this week. Every time a child earns 10 Class Dojo points they are able to pick from my prize basket! They were very excited!

If you ever have small toys or items you are looking to get rid of (happy meal toys, pencils, erasers, bracelets, etc.) send them my way and I will add them to our prize basket! Thanks!!

Have a great night!