Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

In music we tapped on instruments. We played different instruments. We sang songs. (Caroline, Henry, and Will M.)

We played outside. (Abby)

We did my Me Bag. (Adalynn)

We made a name craft by tearing pieces of paper. (Aster)

We drew Adalynn. (Maya)

We talked about sharing with your friends. (Will C.)

We did Adalynn’s name cheer. (Stella)

We played with math tools. (Rylan)

We watched The Rainbow Fish video. (Grayson)

We had snack time. (Aster)

We talked about the word “we”. The poem was Mill Creek Stars. (Kent)

Make sure to be checking Class Dojo for pictures! Have a great night!