Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to the gym. We played a game where we had to throw pretend trash to the other side. We ran around. We skipped. (Adalynn, James, Will M., and Caroline)

It was my Me Bag day! (Abby)

We had lunch and recess. (Hayden)

We played with play-doh. (Aster)

We read The Rainbow Fish. We learned some words like shocked and wise. (Rylan)

We drew a picture of Abby. (Maya)

We played with pattern blocks. (Kent)

We also read the poem “Mill Creek Stars” and talked about our word of the week, “we”.

We added another book to our book boxes called Time for School!

For a fun project, we used cotton swaps to paint our names using a 2 color pattern.

It was a great day!

Important Announcements!!

In the folder you will find a flyer for a Cub Scouts meeting tonight at 6:30 PM in the Mill Creek Cafeteria!  If you have any questions, please contact Aaron Sapp at aaron.sapp@gmail.com. 

Here are a few upcoming dates to remember:

PTA Fundraiser Kickoff is this Thursday, August 23.  Packets for the fundraiser and direct donation forms will go home in Friday folders.

Wagner School Picture Day is Wednesday, September 5 from 8:30 to 11 AM.  Picture packets will go out in Friday folders.

Grandparents'/Special Friends' Day is Friday, September 7.  K-2 will be from 9-10 AM and 3-5 will be from 1:45-2:45 PM.  Flyers will be sent out soon.

Have a great night!!