Monday, August 27, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did P.E. We ran around. We played a game where we rolled the ball and tried to hit the other team’s pins. (James and Hayden)

We played outside 3 times. (Abby) We kept it short…it was hot!

We ate Goldfish for my birthday! (Caroline)

We did our fire drill. (Aster)

We drew a picture of Aster. (Maya)

We read Huggapotamus and a bucket filler book. (Rylan) We talked about what it means to be a good friend!

We ate lunch. (Will C.)

We did Aster’s Me Bag. (Adalynn)

We did a little book called “I Can”. (Parker)

We did math workstations. (Stella)

We looked for numbers around the school. (Abby) For math, we went on a numbers walk around the school!

I have already received back some Me Dolls! They look great! Please return these when you can! Thanks!

Make sure to be promoting Grandparent’s/Special Friends day to your student’s grandparents! It is a fun event where they will be making a family tree craft with their grandchild. If your child does not have a grandparent available, then a “special friend” like an aunt, uncle, neighbor, etc. are great as well! Please let me know, if you know for certain, that your child will not have an adult available for the event and I will find one for them! Thanks!!

Have a great night!