Monday, August 20, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We ate lunch. (Adalynn)

We went to the playground. (Abby and Will C.)

We went to the media center. We got to get books. (Caroline and Will M.)

At the library we learned about the computers. (Rylan)

We played with snap cubes. (Hayden)

We played with play-doh. (Maya)

We read The Rainbow Fish and talked about sharing. (Kent)

We did Mrs. Hotchkiss’ Me Bag. (Evalynn) Ask your child what they learned about me!

We did a name cheer! (Caroline) Pom pons and all!

We drew Mrs. Hotchkiss. (Parker) Each day we will draw a picture of a friend in our class! By the end of the Me Bags we will have a name book of everyone in our class to take home!

Lots of pictures on Class Dojo! Make sure to check them out! It was a great day!

Have a great night!!