Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hi Parents!

This is what we did today!

We did art. We drew pictures of vases. It could be any kind of vase from all over the world. (Russell)

We did writing. We wrote in our chick journals. We wrote about what happened today. Some of them hatched today! One hatched yesterday. We have 9 that have hatched so far! There are 3 more that need to hatch. Five hatched last night. Three hatched this morning. (Maclyn and Ismael)

We made a little chick book that has how a chick starts and then it has how it ends. It starts as a little embryo and it becomes a chicken. It was a life cycle. (Isaac)

We did morning meeting. (Xander)

Mrs. Donna read a book about chicks to us. (Britt)

We did math. We played a game called Dice Addition. You roll 2 dice. One has numbers and one had dots. You put the numbers into an addition number sentence. Your partner would go. If you had the biggest total you put an X on your board. If you get 10 X’s you would win. (Emma and Brooklynn)

We got to watch the chicks hatch! We also did morning buzz. (Dempsey)

We did our poem. It is called I’m a Little Chicken. We talked about looking at word parts to help us solve a word. We found the little word “rat” inside of “scratch”. We found digraphs too! (Blake and Maclyn)

We did lunch and recess. It was super nice outside. We got to decide if we wanted to wear a jacket or not. (Russell)

Such an exciting day! You are welcome to stop by in the morning or after school to come look at the chicks! They will be leaving us Friday morning!

Just a reminder I will not be at school on Thursday or Friday. If your student has a change in transportation please let me know ASAP so I can put it in my sub notes or call the office!

Tomorrow is Secretaries Day! Make sure your student brings in one flower for our bouquet! It can be real or fake! Thanks!

Have a great night!