Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did writing. We did chick hatching journals. We wrote about the chickens and the incubator. (Landon)

We did art. We painted some pictures that have curvy lines. We drew dots and painted with another color over the dots. (Madelynn)

We had a field trip. We went to the planetarium. It was like a big dome that taught us all about space. It was really fun. We acted like we had magic paint brushes and we painted the night sky. We saw the moon, constellations, and planets. We had a fake rocket ship that we blasted off into space! It felt like we were going up and down! At night we can ask mom and dad to look up at the night sky at 8:45 pm. (Dempsey)

We did read aloud. It was called From Egg to Chicken. It talked about the life cycle of a baby chick. It said how it gets out. How it cracks the egg is it has an egg tooth on its beak. They are so fluffy and adorable! On Wednesday the 25th a chick expert is going to come to our classroom. (Joshua)

We did the poem. We read The Chick. For the poem we talked about when there is a question mark our voices have to go up. (Maclyn)

We did morning meeting. (Xander)

We did Daily 5. (Isaac)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. (Carmel Grace)

We did recess and lunch. It was free sit at lunch. (Russell)

We had a great day! (Brooklynn)

Have a great night!