Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did writing. We looked at some “how to” books. We saw that they were different from other books. They had steps with numbers. They are non-fiction. (Emma and Dempsey)

We did library. We wrote our first name and last name on the computer with the keyboard. (Russell)

We did math. We talked about shapes like spheres, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids and cubes. They are 3D shapes. We played a game called Match It. It was with shape cards. We would flip 2 over and try to get a match. We had a partner. (Brooklynn and Dempsey)

We did a short Daily 5. (Britt)

We did closing meeting and snack. (Isaac)

We did read aloud. Mrs. Hotchkiss read a book about forces. It talked about gravity. It was about pushes and pulls. (Maclyn)

After read aloud, we practiced pushing balls. We used a little force and then a lot of force. We did it because we are talking about pushes and pulls. (Ismael and Brooklynn)

We did Fundations. We did the vowel chart. We did the big cards. We did S and T in our notebooks. (Wilson)

We did math workstations. (AJ)

Have a great night!