Thursday, April 12, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math. We got a pipe cleaner and some beads. We put the beads on there. It was 7, 8, or 9. We split it into 2 groups. The last part was you tried to make it into number sentences. (Russell)

We did art. We drew flowers with shapes. We traced them. Whenever we were done with 3 flowers we could draw a garden. It could be imaginary or a real garden. (Brooklynn)

We did closing meeting and snack. (Wilson)

We did Fundations. We went outside and wrote words with chalk for tapping. (Isaac)

We did counselor. Mrs. Baker talked about kind words and unkind words. We played a game. (Emma)

We did the weather. It was in the green and then it turned into the yellow! It started at 57 degrees and then it went to 61 degrees and now the high temperature is 81 degrees! That is in the orange! (Dempsey)

We did Daily 5. (Blake)

We did morning meeting. (Britt)

Tomorrow is pajama day! Kids are welcome to bring a small stuffed animal as well! Please have the kids wear tennis shoes for recess! Thanks!!