Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math. We did Counters in Cup with a partner. We used 6. We played Quick Eyes. You had to say how you saw the number and what it was. We used 2 tens frames. (Britt and Ismael)

We did writing. We circled our idea of what we wanted to teach someone else how to do. We told it to a partner. We told them how to do it. Tomorrow we will start our book. (Isaac and Dempsey)

We did read aloud. We watched a Sid the Science Kid about pushes and pulls. If you use light force it doesn’t go very far but if you use more force it goes far. (Emma and Maclyn)

We are doing closing meeting and snack. (Xander)

We did U and V in Fundations. (Blake)

Mrs. Hotchkiss read us a book called Things Move. We got to color it. We get to take it home! (Dempsey and Brooklynn)

We did music. We played a game called Silent Ball where we threw a ball. We watched a song. (Ismael and Isaac)

Our class is out of black, fine tip, Expo dry erase markers again! If you would like to donate any to our classroom here is a link to purchase! Link

Thank you so much!!
Mill Creek “Spirit Week”
Let’s get ready for MAP testing with a Spirit Week! 
All are welcome to participate…

   Mon. April 9th: “Sock it to the Test”—wear crazy socks

Tues. April 10th: “Hats off to a Great Test”—wear hats     

Wed. April 11th: “Don’t Sweat the Test”—wear sweat pants/yoga pants

Thur. April 12th: “We Won’t turn our Backs to the Test”—wear your clothes backwards

Fri. April 13th: “Relax and Do Your Best!”—wear your PJ’s