Friday, March 25, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

We did poem. We highlighted our poem today. (Logan)

We did math. We sorted Jelly Beans and then we graphed it. We ate them after we did that. (Kate)

We did writing. For writing we finished our rough draft. We are going to keep working on it after spring break. We are going to work on our final draft. (Andrew)

We went to library. We got new books. We went to the computer lab and then we played Starfall or ABCYa. (James)

We did Daily 5. We got to pick 2 choices. (JR)

We did our assembly. Someone told us a story and he was being funny! There were lots of people there. We helped him with the story. They had all of the kindergarten people and some other grades. 398.2 was his special code for his books. (Sophia)

We did snack. Miss Tappana read The Easter Egg by Jan Brett. (JR)

We did morning job. For morning job we colored a daytime picture of what it looks like in the daytime. And we got a coloring packet. It was made by Jan Brett! (Sophia)

In your child’s folder:
·       Behavior updates – please sign those and return them on the Monday after Spring Break!
·       April calendar and lunch menu
·       Informational flyer about an upcoming field trip
·       Informational flyer about the upcoming bond issue
·       How To writing – your child worked very hard to write steps to teach someone how to do something and his/her work is included in the folder today!
·       We did not send home reading group books because of the long Spring Break. Instead, we will send those home the week after Spring Break.

The week after Spring Break we will be getting chick eggs. We are going to have them for 2 weeks. We will be learning about chicks. The eggs will hatch after the first week and we will get to learn all about that. We are so excited!

REMINDER: Please turn in your order form for the class book ASAP so you can guarantee a book! We will be writing final drafts after Spring Break.

Have a wonderful Spring Break! Feel free to contact me with any comments, questions, or concerns. Thanks!

Allison Tappana
