Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

We did math. For math we played 6 Crayons in All. (Mikayla)

We did writing. We drew our picture of our rough draft. We outlined it with pencil and then colored it in with markers. (Andrew)

We did Fundations. We did little cards and big cards and the vowel chart. We sorted some digraphs. There was th, sh, and ch. (Kate)

We did P.E. In P.E. we played germs. What you have to do is throw the ball at the germ and someone got germs on them when they touched it. Coach Gambill had a big ball for the germ. We also played a game that had money. It was fake money. We were trying to get a bean bag in a basket and then you got the dot you were standing on. (JR and Andrew)

We did Daily 5. (Evan)

We did snack. We ate our snack and we read about the Earth. We learned about the Earth from the book. We learned that that’s the only place that has living things! We learned that it’s the only place that has air! It’s a special place. (Sophia)

·       Tomorrow is PJ day for Spirit Week if you would like to participate!
·       Library is tomorrow, so make sure your child brings his/her library book back so he/she can check out another one before Spring Break.
·       I attached the flyer/form for the Mill Creek Elementary Color Run Walk. If you would like to receive a t-shirt when you register, you must register by April 6!
·       The kids have been working SO hard this week on their plan sheet and rough draft. I have been extremely impressed with how hard they have been working and the quality of the work!! J Please return order forms for this class book ASAP. If you do not want to purchase the book, there is a box at the bottom of the form.

Thank you for all that you do! Have a great Thursday!

Allison Tappana
