Friday, March 4, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We played a game. We earned points. (Logan, Max, and Andrew)

We did writing. We made a PB and J. We did in the wrong order at first. We put the steps in the right order. We put the number on the steps. (Kate and Lyrik)

We played a math game. We played Counters in a Cup. We had to write how many were in and how many were out. (Sophia)

We did Fundations. We did our big cards, little cards, vowel chart, and tapping. When Miss Tappana put the cards in for tapping we had to tap the word to read it. We did skywriting and wrote in our Fundations notebook. We wrote W and X. (Ginger)

We did snack. Miss Tappana read a book called Parts. There was a little boy that was afraid his body was falling apart. We had to get lots of tape. (Layla)

We did our poem called Big Bad Cold. Today we highlighted it on the smartboard and we highlighted our poem to put in our poetry folder. We drew some pictures. (Mikayla and Lyrik)

Reading bag books are coming home today! Please have your child read these to you this weekend! Please return these on Monday!

Have a great weekend!