Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to different classes. We were celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday. (Logan)

We played On and Off with a new partner. We charted the ways to make 5 if some are off and some are on. (Sylus)

We went to P.E. We tried to knock the pins down. We played castle ball. We played a game with sticks where we had to tap to the song. (Malai and Kate)

We had Mr. Hotchkiss’ Dad come. We called him Grandpa Hotchkiss. We read Green Eggs and Ham. (Evan)

In Mrs. Flanagin’s classroom we made Cat in the Hat. In Miss Reinkemeyer’s class we said how we would take care of the earth. (Andrew)

In Mrs. Winn’s class we played a Green Eggs and Ham tic-tac-toe. (Ginger)

In Mrs. Russo’s class we made Oobleck. We used magic water and glue. We watched the book on the Smartboard. (Sophia)

In Mrs. Dixon’s class we watched One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. We graphed with Goldfish and we ate the Goldfish. (Layla)

In our class we read the book What Pet Should I Get? We made our own pet. (James)

Tomorrow is library day! Make sure your student puts their book in their backpack!
