Monday, February 29, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math. We played Collect 15 together. (Kate)

We did writing. We did Monday News. It was awesome! (Andrew)

We did Fundations. We got to do skywriting. We wrote on our white boards. We wrote V and U. (Sophia)

We watched a class dojo video. At read aloud we watched Sid the Science kid. During the video we got to floss play-doh out of pretend teeth. (Connor)

We did our poem. It was about getting sick. It was called The Big Bad Cold. (Evan and Logan)

We did music. We had a substitute. Mr. Witter’s son was sick. We watched the musical mansion. We played a button game. (Sophia and Layla)

We did Daily 5. We did one choice. (James)

We're watching a video series on growth mindset in class and just finished Chapter 2. Would love for all of you to see it, too:

Discussion Questions

1. When I make a mistake I feel _____
because _____. How does it feel when you
make a mistake?

2. What do you do about those feelings so
that you don't get discouraged?

3. How can we support one another when
facing challenges that result in many trials?

Mill Creek Elementary
Kindergarten Teacher