Monday, February 1, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Fundations. We did the sound chart. We wrote on our Fundations white boards the letters G and H. (Kate)

We had outside recess. (Jayden)

We did a bar graph for how many people have pets. Graphs help us collect data. (Andrew)

We did our poem. It was called the 100th day of school. We did because the 100th day is coming! Our letter for the week is “is”. We are all excited about the 100th day of school! (Sophia and Layla) Don’t forget to send in your collection of 100 things on Thursday!

Today is the 97th day of school. There are 3 more days until the 100th day. (Max)

We read Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jan Brett. We wrote about the parts of the story. (Logan and Lyrik)

I am attaching the February specials calendar.  A paper copy will come home tomorrow!

I am also attaching a tentative conference schedule. Please let me know if you need to change your day and time. A confirmation letter and final schedule will come home soon!

Miss Tappana will be sending out the Daily email tomorrow and Wednesday. Please make sure you save her email address! It is I will be in a professional development meeting all day on Wednesday so Miss Tappana will be subbing. Please email her and/or call the office if there are any transportation changes. Thank you!