Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did read aloud. We read a book about George Washington’s teeth. They kept falling out. For our project we put eggs in soda, coffee, and juice. The eggs are white like the outside of our teeth. (Mikayla and Jayden)

Nurse Shannon came. She taught us that eating healthy foods helps keep our teeth healthy. Candy and soda are not good for our teeth. They can cause cavities. We should brush our teeth twice a day and go to the dentist. We got to brush fake teeth with a toothbrush. (Andrew and Max) Lots of great pictures on Twitter! https://twitter.com/hotchkissmce

Nurse Shannon gave us coloring packet and read us a book. (Connor)

We did writing. We did dedications. After we did that we read our whole book. (Kate)

We did Fundations. We did the vowel chart. We did skywriting on the Smartboard. We did the letters S and T. (Sophia)

For morning job we wrote what we would do if we were President. We wrote who would live with us in the White House. The President lives there. (Layla)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp. We were 1 day late. Today is the 111th day of school. (Evan and James)

We played 10 in a circle. We counted each cube. If you land on the red cube you have to put a cube back. (Lyrik) This is a great game to play at home! Take 10 objects with 1 that is “different”. We did 9 brown cubes and 1 red cube. Pick a number to count to (we did 20). Take turns starting at any object you want and count around the circle to that number (20). Whatever object you land on you have to take it out of the circle. If you land on the “different” object (red cube), you have to put one back (brown cube). You play until only the “different” object is left. The winner has the most objects (brown cubes). This is a great game for practicing one to one correspondence and counting!

We watched a class dojo video. (Andrew)

Here is the link to the video we watched today! It is very short! We're watching a video series on growth mindset in class and just finished Chapter 1. Would love for all of you to see it, too:

Episode 1: Take-home questions! Ask your child these questions tonight after rewatching the video.

1. What was the biggest challenge you faced
today? (Ask your child, and then have them
ask the question back!)

2. How can you and I think about these
challenges in a new way?

3. What can we do differently tomorrow if we
face similar challenges?

For more videos from the video series watch at: www.classdojo.com/BigIdeas

Have a great night!